Monday, October 11, 2010

Getting Things Done

"Getting Things Done."

It's the AmeriCorps motto. It's very vague and silly and we use it probably more than we should ; ) Recently, we headed to Richmond, VA for the 2010-2011 Virginia AmeriCorps Kick-Off. It was loads of fun. 

Downtown Richmond: Ileana & Carolyn, not amused.

Kyle and his shoes

@ a bar: Kyle, Ileana, Me

It was also Ileana's Birthday!!
At the Kick-Off Conference, Steve and I had to prepare a 30-second elevator speech about Greenbrier Learning Center and present it in front of over 100 people, which was pretty cool. We also attended several workshops including a 90-minute workshop on ICEBREAKERS! My favorite! Here we are after taking the AmeriCorps Oath:

Greenbrier Team: Carolyn, Ileana, Kyle, Me, Joslynn, Steve
Look how cute we are in our AC gear. Aw. I love my coworkers with such a passion. I can't stand to be away from them (two are out of town this weekend). We were sure to use these days off work for all that they were worth. For me & Steve, this meant making Dirt Pudding Cups for Ileana's Birthday:


And, of course, a little Karaoke.

To add to all the excitement, Carlie came to visit me from Chicago. Her, Steve & I had a blast touristing around DC. Finally I felt on the other side of the situation. Can you believe I've already been here almost 2 months? Or, even crazier, that I was almost done with India ONE year ago? crazy.

Yay New + Old Friends!

and Pancakes!

and "Peg"Cakes?
 Got to see some old friends this weekend, too! I love my life.

Back in Hollybrook 


  1. Fantastico! I watched Carlie's video on youtube and it looks like you guys had a blasty blast of a time. The random dancing and singing just made my whole day :)
